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Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds

When we have incongruence in our lives, it’s because something is out of accord.

The unconscious mind communicates symbolically through intuition, emotions, dreams; and if we don’t listen to it, It begins to shout out. It begins to shout out through other manifestations sometimes physical discomfort, physiological disease, until finally we see these issues play out and erupt in our lives.  One way we have always tried to find solace is to shift our attention into other objects and other experiences. Shifting seamlessly from one plane of thought to the virtual world has always  been interesting and has appealed to us.  A world, where reality and its problems escape us for a few is definitely priceless and can be worthwhile . I think we still will owe it to ourselves to keep a check on both the worlds. To Transfer the solitude from the virtual and leverage it to eliminate incongruence from our real worlds.

Carl Jung said, that we must by necessity, project that which is unresolved – out onto the external world so that we might gain resolution of it.

Did I hear motion controllers and Lighthouse sets and StarWars sabers for your playstation VRs? I’m sure CJ was not thinking of VR experiences. I think that there is perhaps a small probability of getting some of the resolution by immersing yourself in the virtual world. If the immersive experiences aid you in questioning your long held beliefs or provide you with the knowledge of the world that you have been missing or even give you the comfort that Yup you are a force to reckon with,  that in itself  can translate to a sequence of actions for you in the real world and help you find your resolution.  So next time you are on the Rollercoaster, loosen up a bit and laugh a little more. And when you question whats beyond the Land’s end, question it more. It’s been said that, in life, we either pay attention, OR we pay with pain: physically, emotionally, spiritually, or financially.

Theoretical Physicist David Bohm spoke of the “implicate order” and the underlying connection of ALL things manifesting in infinite diversity. Bohm’s ideas included not just the earth but the entire Universe as an interdependant living entity. As the degree of immersion rises via new innovations, what you experience in one plane of universe will definitely have impact on how you conduct yourself on the other. The important aspect for us is to remember to be mindful so that we can try our best to enjoy the rich offerings of both the worlds, real and virtual and if we are fortunate, we can translate what we learnt from one plane of thought and apply it to the other.

Why do I share this?

As I write this post, Wednesday November 30th, I reflect on the recent news from the real world. It helps me to remember that there is truly more beyond waiting for the release of Oculus CV or making sure that you do not miss out on that pre-order link of HTC Vibe.

Last week,

– President Putin, spoke out because there was a Russian fighter plane that was shot down over what Turkey disputed as being within Turkish airspace, as it was carrying out bombings over Syria…

– President Obama, spoke out because he believed that Turkey had the right to defend it’s soverign territory…. 

– A grate man slept in the comfort of the warmth of a grate in Philadelphia alley last night to escape cold…

– A white police officer in Chicago received a life sentence for shooting an unarmed black man 16 times – following recent upsurges in what becomes clearer and clearer to have to do with racial biases than I have ever seen in my time. A Problem that CLEARLY still exists AND there is NO excuse that is good enough to fail to do something about it.

– Donald Trump was speaking of the idea that when “he would become” President, he would build a wall around Mexico to keep out the immigrants – that the ideas of America had been founded upon as being a place for refuge and freedom for..

This week was the Thanksgiving in the United States, which is a day where we celebrate our arrival as immigrants, in the land, that supposedly was “discovered” by Christopher Columbus. However as one comedian put it, “How do you “discover,” someplace that already has somebody living there?….That’s like walking into the ghetto picking up somebody’s boom box and saying ‘Hey, I just discovered your stereo!

All of these problems are problems of incongruence on a global level; projected outward from collective consciousness

Psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson, was teaching clinicians when he said, “your patients will be your patients because they are out of rapport with their own “unconscious minds” . 5% of who we are is conscious, 95% is unconscious. Carl Jung believed that the key to dealing with those aspects of our experience of life that could be destructive was to make that which is unconscious – conscious, to bring the shadow into the light.

Where do we begin then….

Perhaps, we may begin with our worlds of Virtual reality and understand a little more about our inner unconscious so that we are more aware while transitioning into the conscious. The news headlines remind us of our handicaps and how we are kinda sucking in the real world. May be , Virtual Reality will be the tool that helps us transition effectively into the real world and make the best of our conscious. Maybe, collectively we will be better folks since we would have shared experiences via the virtual.

You are not alone.

For one, I will be your designated driver and keep you reminded of events transpiring in the real world from time to time and will call upon your help to lead us and No, the Oculus CV release date is still undetermined at this point.

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