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Attempt at combining Value for VR and Drone markets

In one of the episodes of Sharktank earlier last week, I remember seeing the sharks forming a syndicate to take advantage of an opportunity to invest in a company that allowed drone experience via your mobile phone. This episode generated a lot of chatter. In examining some of the grassroot level capitalization drives via my article Startups – Seed Money ,it became abundantly clear that the Drone market segment is still very popular in the tech space, intact way more popular than Virtual Reality at this point.
Here is an example of a firm that is capitalizing on combining categories and experiences and is generating excitement in the crowdfunding space

Interesting fact is that although the project was struggling to get funded earlier, now the original campaign is 292% funded at FlYbi has done a pretty good job in combining the categories with a product that is sure to appeal to consumers in both the market segments.
Where do you see the next category combination coming from?

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